Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Super Hiden File

Super Hiden File the folder menu options "show hidden files and folders" is also missing?
this solution just reinstall the system !! wkwkkwkw kidding will you please follow some tips below
tips 1

Open the registry editor: click Start, select Run and type "regedit" (without the quotes).
Then navigate to the left on the key below:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \Explorer \ Advanced \ Folder \ Hidden]
On the right create a String Value with the name value "Type" and then double-click and fill in the value data to "group". Close the regedit application and then restart the computer.

tips 2

Create a DWORD value, love the name "Hidden"

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \Explorer \Advanced]
Value Name: Hidden
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (1 = show hidden, 2 = not Show)

Tips 3

try this type in the command prompt: attrib G: \ *.*-s-h / S / D (assumption: G: \ is the drive usb flahdisk relevant)

if failed trying to do a folder / file. replace *.* with the name of the folder / file you want.

Example: attrib G: \ folder1-s-h / S / D
attrib G: \ folder1-s-h / S / D
attrib G: \ namafile1.ext-s-h
attrib G: \ namafile1.ext-s-h

For more details about this attrib option, type attrib.exe /? at the command prompt.

tips 4

Sign in here:
HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \ Folder \HideFileExt

Brosing key key is there:
change CheckedValue value to 2 or 1
change DefaultValue value to 2 or 1

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speed up internet connection on windows

Speed up internet connection on windows without using the software
if you use windows and operating sistam want to speed up internet connection is very easy way and without using any software, windows internet connection is limited to 80% windiows update purposes but can we get rid of it. with the existing pension below.
1. press the Start button + R
2. Run dialog box appears
3. Type gpedit.msc
4. then click Ok
5. in Administrative Templates
6. Click Network
7. click QoS Packet scheduler
8. Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. change the setting to Enable
10. Bandwidth limit change reply was 20 to 0
11. Apply, ok
12. Then restart your computer.